Tarot decks 1970 - today

From the 1960s/70s until today, countless new tarot decks have been created.

Certainly from around the millennium,

amateurs, artists and publishers have indulged themselves in publishing their own/new decks.

What you see here is only a small selection of what is in the museum.

Interested? The Tarot Museum Belgium can be visited by appointment.

Different countries

Tjech Republic

Most of the information comes from the Czech tarot expert Pavel Langer.

The Netherlands

No big publishers but many interesting indie tarot decks.


No big publishers but many interesting indie tarot decks.


Tarotmania, AGMuller, Urania and lesser-known publishers.


Lo Scarabeo, , Solleone, Meneghello, OM and lesser-known publishers.


Indie, Grimaud, J.M.Simon, Frances-cartes, Héron-Boéchat, Dussere, Tarot of Marseille Heritage, Le Dernier Cri


Most Japanese tarot decks come with a book.Indie decks from, among others, Shigeki Gomi and Beatriz Inglessis.


A selection of the many tarot decks currently appearing on the US market. Many indie decks and decks from USGames, Llewellyn and others.


Indie decks and decks from Naipes Heraclio Fournier


From Silhouette Publishing and many others

United Kingdom

many different editors


many different editors

South America

Tarot decks from Argentina, Brazil, Chili, Ecuador, Peru, ...


Kanzanlar, Huszka and many indie decks


most of the decks are edited by Piatnik

Other countries

Tarot decks from other countries around the world